GST HSN codes for Preparation and preserved food items

Preparations and preserved of Food items fall in this chapter. And it contains more weight of meat, meat offal, blood, and fish. In addition, like molluscs or other aquatic invertebrates. But preparation contains two or more products mentioned above. Moreover, this article enlightens you. To prepared or preserved meat, meat offal or blood under HSN 1602. GST rate is fixed 12%. Hence, see HSN code for restaurant food and hotel services.

Preparations of meat of fish GST Rates Item Wise List

Good and services tax is main objective to remove double taxation system. There will be HS codes list of chapters for every product. Therefore Other Prepared, Preserved Meat, Meat Offal or Blood. In addition, like other aquatic falls under chapter 16. And also see GST HSN code for food products. Hence, check HSN code for cooked food.

You can find below list of products. And that fall under preparations of meat, of fish or crustaceans, molluscs or other aquatic vertebrates. Therefore it is classified in heading of Chapter 16. You can see items wise HSN code covered in chapter 16.

Hence, you can find below HSN code with description of goods. Check Benefits to FMCG, auto and pharma companies

12% Tax category

HSN Code 1601: Sausages and similar products, of meat, meat offal or blood; food preparations based on these products.

HSN Code 1602: prepares meat, offal meat or blood.

HSN Code 1603: meat, fish, mollusks, other aquatic invertebrates.

HSN code 1604: Prepared or preserved fish, caviar and caviar substitutes prepared from fish eggs.

HSN code 1605: Crustaceans, molluscs and other aquatic invertebrates prepared or preserved.

Finally, see HSN code list for GST in India. Therefore check GST on meat in India. And you can also see GST on meat sales in India. But for better understand see GST on beef. Hence, to know more details see GST rate on fish. Probably, see Tax incentives for the states

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