GST Rate & HSN Code for Live Animals, Bovine & Poultry

In many countries there is no GST for live animals. And some countries charge GST or VAT on sale of live animals. But in India GST for live animals is expected to be charge at nil rate.  Hence, you can check Livestock GST tax rate. You can view IGST, CGST and SGST percentages for live animals

GST rate on live animals

However, in live animals taxes are nil. Further, live animals are expected to fall under list of GST in India. Live animals’ falls under HSN code chapter 0101 of GST tariff schedule. In addition, other than live horses are taxed at nil tax under GST. And GST rate changes for sale of live animals.  But live animal category falls under Chapter 1 of GST.

Live Bovine GST rate and HSN Code

Similarly, live bovine animal’s falls under category live animals. And its HSN code is 102. Moreover, this HSN codes help exporters and importers in India. Hence, GST rate percentage for live bovine animals is 0.

Live Horses GST rate

Live horses falls under category GST live animals. And its HSN code is 10129. But HSN codes help to know product classification code. Therefore GST rate percentage for live horses is fixed at rate of 12.

Live asses mules and hinnies GST Rate

However, live asses mules and hinnies HSN code is 101. And it falls under live animal’s category. Therefore various agencies use HSN code. Like non government and government in India. Hence, no GST payable on live hinnies

GST Rate for live sheep and goats

Live sheep and goats GST is 0%. And its correspondence HSN code is 104.

Live swine GST Rate

In India HSN codes help exporters and importers. But its HSN code is 103. However, percentage of GST rate for live Swine is 0%.

GST Rate of other live animal such as Mammals

Other live animal such as Mammals GST is 0%. Such as mammal’s birds insects falls under live animals of GST.

Live poultry Ducks is exempted from paying GST

GST tax on Live Poultry Ducks under HSN chapter 0101. As per GST Law, there is no GST payable on Live Poultry Ducks.  You can see more information about GST rate tariff on live poultry ducks.

Finally, see GST on commodities. In addition, you can check GST commodity tariff schedule. And also view exempted goods under GST. Hence, to know more details see GST rates with HSN codes.

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